Monday, 27 May 2013

Sleeping through the night....

Well it has been 4 nights now and he seems to have cracked it!! With only one awful night since we started!! He has slept two nights in a row now and we have woken up at 7am, before BabyG has woken up!! What a result! I was expecting it to take much longer. Although, I may just be speaking too soon.... We will wait and see but for now, I am a very happy and rested MummyG!! I have been applying some of the advice to BoyG as well, like the pudding later on, and making pudding something like Total Greek Yogurt with mashed banana and weetabix. That seems to work with him as well, as he too has been sleeping much better! Keep up the good work boys!!

1 comment:

  1. It is such a relief! Keep it up boys!
    Us fellow mummies hate to see another suffering!
